Another boring office building...

Darren Bradley

Well-Known Member
...but I liked it! I sent these photos to the designer who occupies that top office in the corner that you see lit (that's also him walking in front). He liked this first one and asked for a copy so he could have it printed and mounted to hang in the lobby.

I just happened to be driving by on my way home with my wife and daughter and noticed this building. They again waited in the car while I jumped out and took a couple of shots. Unfortunately, I did NOT have a tripod on this one and it shows a bit in the results.
Haha, I saw that roof in the first one and wondered if you might have some sort of inner ear problem or something ... no just lack of tripod ;)
Great shots non the less, and its quite nice to know that even you sometimes take shots that arent completely level ;)
The second is a beaut!!
Very nice. Love use of the angles in the 2nd image.
That first one's not level? Cor blimey! I didnae notice. And when I went back to look again after Hamish's remark, I still canna see it! If Pete is Hawkeye you are Eagle-eye, Hammy!

However, to contribute my own critique of the first image, I feel quite confident in declaring that I do believe the street is not level Darren!

Darren, these! (Even the first one with the allegedly wonky roof line.) ;)
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Unfortunately, I did NOT have a tripod on this one and it shows a bit in the results.
I thought you said in another thread you always had a tripod in the car? Or did you just not use it to save time?

Then again I could be getting mixed up with all the other posts I've been trying to catch up with, in which case just ignore me:o:D:D:D
The roof is actually a bit sloped, to allow better water drainage. But I may have made it seem more so with the wonky angle :-)

And yes, I do always keep a tripod in my car. Where that strategy fails is when I'm not driving MY car :-D (we were in my wife's car).
And yes, I do always keep a tripod in my car. Where that strategy fails is when I'm not driving MY car :-D (we were in my wife's car).
Ahh. That explains that then...

You could always put one in your wifes car too;):D.
Fabulous metallic tones in #1

Angles to die for in #2
So did you randomly find this place - or had you tagged it for shooting at some point?
I do keep a list on my iphone of places I want to shoot when I have some free time. But this was just a completely random spotting while driving home from Laguna Beach. I caught a glimpse of it out of the corner of my eye and drove about another two blocks before deciding to double back and get a closer look.