Another Pinhole Image

Brian Moore

Shot this one a while back and I may have posted it before. Can't remember (although I bet Pete remembers).

Anyway, Holga WPC (Wide Pinhole Camera) and Foma 100 film that I processed in Rodinal. I used the banister of a stairwell as a tripod but the only flat portion was at an angle.

I'm pretty certain I remember this, I can't find it again now though!
Banipod eh? :)
Maybe straight would make it better, but then you would loose the line of light in to the corner
If it was the entrance to where you work then you posted either this one or something similar. Either way it is a smashing shot an that light from the door is wonderful. I reckon it would be pulled straight without having to crop. Maybe something like tis?

See,...I knew he'd remember. He's got the eye of an eagle and the memory of an elephant! (Wonder what he looks like...?:confused:) Not only that, but he fixed my bliddy fotie! [doh] Thanks, Pete!

Thank you Hamish. "Banipod!" Nice one. (Internally was calling it banisterpod, but that kept conjuring images if milers.)