You did not call them ducks; very wise Rob. You seem so close to them but I imagine that is an illusion created by the telephoto effect of the DP3Q's relatively long lens? Whatever,...nice water fowl shots Rob.
I was about ten feet away, behind a wooden rail - very close in fact. They completely ignored me, and were focussed on shoring-up the nest. I'll try to get back over the next few days. Let's hope the fox I've seen around here doesn't get to them.
Black water like syrup rob. I like the eggs and the stretched out neck the bestest. Like brian I thought they may be ducks but this is a nice goose.
I do beleive it would be a brave fox who attacked such a creature as this but maybe there are brave foxes out there or desperate ones. Lets hope this swan is ok and hatches two ugly ducklings.
Love that first shot and the tonality in general - I find it shifts it away from what could have been an OK set of wildlife shots to something more. Nice.