Anyone shooting with a Voigtländer Perkeo II 6X6 Folding Camera?

Hi @Gary R. Smith .
I have a small amount of experience of using a Perkeo II. When I say small, it's tiny - like precisely one roll of film! However, that single roll was extremely important to me, as it contained one image that showed me the potential of medium format. That led to acquiring several different cameras, all of which I use a fair bit.
The Perkeo, sadly, proved to have a broken bellows strut and it transpired that it had been a miracle that I had been able to use the camera at all, as I certainly haven't been able to since. I still own it and it's a beautiful thing but am not really in a position to repair it. I replaced it with a Nettar, which takes great images, though doesn't have the charm of the Perkeo.
Thanks for your reply Chris! The one I have seems to be in good shape mechanically. My wife and I plan to go east of here on a wildflower hike and I'm planning to load a roll of Kodak Gold 200 in as a test roll. It's a cool little folder (my first). P1002684.JPG
Well, I may have shot the whole roll this afternoon - we'll see. I did a photo walk through some wildflowers at Rowena Crest with the 9-18 on my gx9 and had the Perkeo (comfortably) in my jeans front pocket!