At the end of the pier

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Continuing the sunburst theme, here's Oceanside Pier taken this evening, with the ever present evening marine layer in full effect. One small sail boat makes it's way towards the harbor before the light fails.


X-Pro1 and 35mm Lens. PP in Nik Silver FX.
Yes, very beautiful. I like the lone boat, very poetic. And the way the rays point to the pier end - how did you get the sun to do that?! Nice tones throughout.
Chris I like this a lot. The size of the sky works very well.

Thanks Julian - the 'June gloom' as it's known around here, plays a big part in our weather at this time of year, so it's nice to be able to capture it when it's doing something nice to the lighting.

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Superb again Chris. Those clouds make a great shot and I like the contrast of the soft textures with the highlights and shadows in the water and the pier.

Thanks Pete - I find that wearing polarized sunglasses allows me to see the skies the way Nik does, i.e. the sunlight and texture stands out more.

In fact, I think the polarized shades have influenced my color perception as well - I see in Fuji digital Velvia now! :D

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Yes, very beautiful. I like the lone boat, very poetic. And the way the rays point to the pier end - how did you get the sun to do that?! Nice tones throughout.

Thanks Rob - I have a weather control satellite I can tap into from the yacht, very handy ;)
Thanks Lesley - It's taken a couple of years, and many tries, to get the pier the way I have it in this shot.

I think the problem all the other times was too much sunshine! :D