Brian Moore
These two buildings stand on Pacific Coast Highway in huntington Beach near the intersection of Warner Avenue. I pass by them every day on the way to work. I have long been interested in snapping a fotie of these two buildings together. There is something about the yellow next to the white/blue that I find interesting. No idea why.
Anyway, I had one shot left in my new old Polaroid 450, the one I picked up last week, and, since for reasons unrelated to the story I was late going into work today I decided today would be a fine day to get that fotie I had so long longed for.
I didn't even have to get out of the car. I just parked across the highway, got the old Pola ready, then waited for a gap in the traffic so that I could shoot. Well, just when that gap came and I went to squeeze the trigger, some bloke comes waltzing out the front door and I thought, "Magic!"
"Click!" I had him!
I turned away to retrieve the image and a moments later I hear a bellow,..."Yo...!" It was the bloke,...he had spotted me snapping the fotie and he was coming across the highway toward me.
For a brief moment I considered putting the car into drive and motoring off, perhaps with a raised finger by way of farewell, but instead I decided to play it out and see what would transpire.
Well, turns out the bloke had "a problem" with me taking a picture of the motorcycle--the one on the left. It was some special custom thing he was doing and he didn't want his work compromised (bear in mind this is my summary of his sentiment, and not the words he actually used). "So why is it sitting out front on PCH" I'm wondering!
Anyway, I told him no problem, you can have the picture. (He was of course blissfully unaware that I had every intention of reconstituting the goop side of the image with bleach, and thereby rendering myself a delightful negative from which I could make a thousand copies if I so desired.)
So he agreed to take possession of my image. I told him, we just needed to wait a minute for it to develop and then he could have it.
We passed the time during that minute exchanging pleasantries, explaining about my old Polaroid, he explaining about his motor bike, which was equipped with a specially designed drivetrain (thus, the secrecy) as well as a propane tank that allowed it to shoot flames out the back some ten feet in distance. "Holy ****" I commented. (Rhymes with hit.)
During this time he introduced himself as Carl and we shook hands.
When the picture was developed I peeled it off and handed it to Carl. "There" I said, "you can put it on your wall or something." He looked at it and said "I don't need the picture, can't see the bike." I told him he could have it anyway. "Nah its Ok!" he said. That ****** me off a little! (Rhymes with kissed)

Anyway, I had one shot left in my new old Polaroid 450, the one I picked up last week, and, since for reasons unrelated to the story I was late going into work today I decided today would be a fine day to get that fotie I had so long longed for.
I didn't even have to get out of the car. I just parked across the highway, got the old Pola ready, then waited for a gap in the traffic so that I could shoot. Well, just when that gap came and I went to squeeze the trigger, some bloke comes waltzing out the front door and I thought, "Magic!"
"Click!" I had him!
I turned away to retrieve the image and a moments later I hear a bellow,..."Yo...!" It was the bloke,...he had spotted me snapping the fotie and he was coming across the highway toward me.
For a brief moment I considered putting the car into drive and motoring off, perhaps with a raised finger by way of farewell, but instead I decided to play it out and see what would transpire.
Well, turns out the bloke had "a problem" with me taking a picture of the motorcycle--the one on the left. It was some special custom thing he was doing and he didn't want his work compromised (bear in mind this is my summary of his sentiment, and not the words he actually used). "So why is it sitting out front on PCH" I'm wondering!
Anyway, I told him no problem, you can have the picture. (He was of course blissfully unaware that I had every intention of reconstituting the goop side of the image with bleach, and thereby rendering myself a delightful negative from which I could make a thousand copies if I so desired.)
So he agreed to take possession of my image. I told him, we just needed to wait a minute for it to develop and then he could have it.
We passed the time during that minute exchanging pleasantries, explaining about my old Polaroid, he explaining about his motor bike, which was equipped with a specially designed drivetrain (thus, the secrecy) as well as a propane tank that allowed it to shoot flames out the back some ten feet in distance. "Holy ****" I commented. (Rhymes with hit.)
During this time he introduced himself as Carl and we shook hands.
When the picture was developed I peeled it off and handed it to Carl. "There" I said, "you can put it on your wall or something." He looked at it and said "I don't need the picture, can't see the bike." I told him he could have it anyway. "Nah its Ok!" he said. That ****** me off a little! (Rhymes with kissed)

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