B+W 220 film

Martin Carlin

Well-Known Member
Anyone on here know were I could possibly acquire any B+W 220 Format film rolls I have a back and would like to shoot B+W. I can get colour but haven't been able to find any B+W.
Any suggestion would be great
Hi Martin, I'm pretty sure that no one makes a 220 length B&W film. The one place I thought might stock something was fotoimpex.de but in their forum they say there just isn't enough demand to justify it. I guess your back can't take 120. Is that the case?
No I have a 120 back as well but I have never shot 220 so I thought I would give it a try but when I looked into it it seems that it went out of favour sometime ago. Was told some still gets on e-bay occasionally so really just a long shot if someone on here new of anywhere that had some old stock.
I was also told Ilford thought of brining it back but found it to be not cost affective.
Well I might just have to grit the bullet and shoot colour for a change as I can get that on Amazon in 220
As you know, it just gives you more shots per roll and was popular with social and commercial photographers so that they didn't have to change rolls / backs so often. I'll have a rummage at the back of the fridge in the studio tomorrow, I have a vague memory that a colleague gave me some 220 stock when he retired.
I'm Just Lazy Pete and something that has me not so often change film just appeals I can't understand why it would not be productive to have rolls that shoot 24 shots to film with 10-12 shots. surely it better to have more shots in the camera.
Nothing in the fridge in Germany I'm afraid, @Martin Carlin. I'll be back in the UK again soon though and will check there - it is more likely in fact (although I really can't recall if it was colour or B&W).
No worries Pete its not important I was just wondering if anyone new if there was any around that I could order.
Aha, that 110 film. And there was me thinking you'd gone all 1970s retro! ;)
