B&W Portraits from an old Lumix GF1

Paul Taylor

Well-Known Member
I have a few of these cameras, and love them. They are cheap and plentiful and I really like the B&W "Dynamic" mode with a few tweaks to make the pics a bit more dramatic. These were taken with the Lumix 14mmf2.8 Pancake lens, JPEGs straight out of the camera.





Wonderful stuff, Paul. You mentioned "a few tweaks" to make the pictures more dynamic, but you also said these are JPEGs straight out of the camera. What tweaks are you making? Thanks.
Great portraits and it's great that you made them with a Lumix GF1. I have a G1 bought new when the year it was launched, ser. # 1006, which I use just for black and white, as you indicated. It is still a good camera.