Ballroom with a Difference

I know I have posted these before but damned if I could find them. See the photo of the Tango dancers that Nihat posted ( as as those by Brian reminded me of how much I enjoyed the photography of dance. I must re-scan these prints (to get some larger JPEGS) and find an opportunity to shoot some more.

Gerd and Claus. At the time they were the world bronze medal winners for same-sex dance (and Gerd was / is - when we start again - our dance teacher). You cannot imagine how impressive these two were in motion. Both 2m tall and fabulous dancers. And being same sex, they can swap lead - now that looks impressive!



Mamiya 7II + 80mm lens. Ilford Delta 400 processed in ID11. Printed (12x16") onto Ilford MGIV RC Gloss (developed in an Ilford 2150RC). Scanned using a Microtek ScanMaker 9800XL.
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Thanks Glenn. A medium format range-finder wasn't the most obvious choice. We'd just finished a long session producing some publicity shots (Hasselblad / PhaseOne - static figures) for their web site and the dance school. These were my fee! :)
Pete, I like the the '30s look and the mirror reflection's comping the dancers on consecutive images. The curtains on image 1 give a nicer opening feel as the background. :)
I do like these Pete - the movement and the reflections make them for me - and the PP is most fitting

Does the Mamiya 7II max out at 1/500?

The look of the protagonists does remind me of those chaps from Yello - Boris Blank & Dieter Meier

Yes, 1/500s is the maximum shutter speed. Not much of a problem here though as there was bugger-all light! I think these were shot at 1/30s! They certainly are well-groomed. Both are trained lawyers although Gerd only teaches dance these days whereas Claus is a constitutional lawyer 3 days a week. Follow the link to the dance school. The balls they hold are fantastic.