Batman Meets Transformer...

Brian Moore

...and they have a chat.

On Hollywood Boulevard.

Olympus XA and Kodak Ektar 100 film.

First it was sneaking shots of young ladies and now it's dodgy eateries. I don't know!

I can imagine the conversation,

Batman, "right we said, we meet at 2:00, ready for action. Make sure we've eaten AND been to the toilet. Does the hulk ever listen... last time he missed the bloody bus 'cos he didn't have enough change for two seats and had to walk!!". :)
Great image, Brian!

Lovin your input, Pete, your posts made me chortle!
Ah, but I forgot to add that I like the shot for the sheer bizarreness of it. And I just love the stance and expression of Batman. Great capture Brian. :)
Thank you Pete.

Odd is the new normal on Hollywood Boulevard. For me, however, this image somehow transcends the costumes and oddness. I think its "the stance and expression of Batman", like you said. It's so incongruous that it makes Normal the new odd for me. Thanks again, Pete!
You know what they say...

Fruits and Nuts come from California! :D

Great moment captured Brian - reminds me of Comicon ;)