Be Cool!

You've captured their art for posterity (or however long your hard drive lasts). I love the colors produced by the Sigma sensors. Muted yet simultaneously vibrant somehow.
It looks like they had a great time. Good for them.
Thanks, Brian. Thanks, John. Thanks, Pete. No rainfall yet, so the marks should still be visible. Alas, rain forecast for tomorrow.
Love these Rob. I notice, taken with the Dpzero. Glad too see they have come through and trusting there is much fun and enjoyment ahead
Thanks, Julian. I love all three cameras. They definitely suit my type of shooting.
Good to see you enthused again Rob as I for one certainly get a lot from your enthusiasm and ways of looking at the world. I've been making pot's and rarely pick the camera up at the moment, I hope too join in more with some photos soon as the weather improves.
I thought you'd gone potty...

I hope you get back to shooting your gorgeous colour shots again soon. They made me focus on shooting b&w! You have the artist's eye for colour, Julian.
I thought you'd gone potty...

I hope you get back to shooting your gorgeous colour shots again soon. They made me focus on shooting b&w! You have the artist's eye for colour, Julian.
I am not sure Rob, in as I find colour very difficult when it comes to painting, in fact struggle and much prefer if not adore charcoal. Where as the camera does give you a ready colour palette of choice. Maybe I am a better fiddler and fiddle with colour that is already their, but then again the Foveon to my eyes leaves little that is not good, all on it's own. I imagine little people fiddling with algorithms at their desks, computing numbers, akin to how paint manufacturers would grind oxides and the such to produce an acceptable colour palette. Nothing new as we know. Colour with ceramics is fascinating and complex chemistry, I have done a few pieces without colour, or at least with one Oxide so it is about tone and marks , much like B+W photography . What I do like is the understatement which Mono gives and the need to rely upon other elements to stimulate and tickle the senses, over colour. That is what I would like to be able to do with B+W photography, where as I tend to rely upon the sentimental and nostalgia, which of course the documenting of our local fishermen it works for myself at least.