Critique Required Beneath the willow tree

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
It was so beautiful beneath the willow tree, I couldn't not photograph it. I have a feeling this is a good shot, but I don't think I'm bringing out the best of it. First the original jpeg, then a B&W version. All the branches are falling down, but look like they are growing upwards.

All advice gratefully received.

tree3 by RobMacKillop, on Flickr

tree3a by RobMacKillop, on Flickr​
B&W gets my vote - maybe a touch of unsharp mask to crisp it up?
Agreed, B&W is the one for me too.
Very good rob, lovely network of wood there! :)
Gotta go with the B&W myself.
I wonder what your thoughts on the upper center area of the image would be ?
There seems to be indistinct areas there that breaks the strong pattern .
Nit picking for sure but it caught my eye.
Really very nice.
Clone tool ?? Tedious .... Very tedious
Honestly, as good as it is presently, I don't know that
it would be worth the effort. Zooey is a true master at such things.
Ive looked at these a few times Rob. Couldnt make my mind up if I liked them but must say the b&w is starting to grow on me :)
The indistinct parts just seem to be a branch that was dangling close to the lens. Cloning would be a right pain but you could try using the burn tool to darken it. If you have LR you could also try upping the contrast and clarity tool. This wont get rid o fit but it might make it a little less distracting.
Great photo no 2
I too like the B&W version Rob but I'm not so keen on the heavier area on the left. What about a square crop focusing more on the branches on the RH side? Maybe something like this.

By the way, I was listening to an oldish recording of 'Concierto de Aranjuez' featuring John Zaradin recently and on side B is some wonderful pieces performed by him; Baletto by Weiss, Air and Variations by Frescolbaldi, etc. Fabulous. Do you know the recording?
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