Best of luck to the Redbull Stratos Team

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
My company has provided the IP comms for the mission HQ in Roswell NM, and we have a team on the ground making sure the data, voice and video is working correctly.

Amazing project to be part of - this is real 'Right Stuff' material :cool:


Photo courtesy of Red Bull Stratos

Fingers crossed for a successful mission today!

Live feed here: Live Broadcast | Red Bull Stratos
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Balls of steel or what!

Neither are mine - but my engineer is on the ground now ready with his iPhone for when Felix gets back to base! :)
Yeah, we just watched him falling at 700 miles per hour. Unbelievable. Great TV! Pretty scary when he was spinning around...

Nice ballon shot, Chris. Bootiful bloo!
Amazing TV/Web Stream Rob

Ballon shot is courtesy of Red Bull - not been allowed to release anything from out team yet

Hope they get some shots!
Camera Porn - a run down on the camera systems used on the mission:


Cameras & Communications | Red Bull Stratos




Nine high-definition cameras
Three 4K (4,000 x 2,000-pixel) digital cinematography cameras
Three high-resolution digital still cameras
Pressurized electronics "keg" containing more than 125 electronic components and approximately two miles of wiring


Three small high-definition video cameras: one on each thigh and one on Felix's chest pack


To achieve a live broadcast from 23 miles above the Earth, an optical ground tracking camera system was developed with features ranging from infrared to high-definition cameras. This system is called the "Joint Long-range Aerospace Imaging and Relay": JLAIR. Two JLAIR units are used for the Red Bull Stratos project.

The JLAIR's primary imaging equipment includes:

High-definition P2 camera (up to 60 frames per second)
4K (4,000 x 2,000-pixel) camera (up to 120 frames per second in 2K mode)
Shortwave infrared camera
Digital still camera


In the air during much of Felix Baumgartner's mission will be a tracking helicopter equipped with a Cineflex camera that is stabilized with a gyro system for precision optics to a sub-pixel level.

The single-engine helicopter has been modified with a custom mission package that includes:

One Cineflex V14 HD carrying an advanced HD video camera with a 13.5x42 lens that is fully gyro-stabilized
Two interior HD cameras
Three HD recorders
A 2GHZ microwave transmitter
A 16-port HD switcher
Programmable FM communications radios

The BBC have provided a whole bunch of this kit, and are producing a documentary on the flight - should hit our screens in a few weeks after post production is completed.
Totally missed this event whist out walking on the wild Yorkshire moors! Great to see a nice summary here ta :)
I missed this thread. Im still finding my way around the forum. Else i would have watched the livestream.

Out of this world image.

Thank you for sharing Chris.