Between Buildings and Bars

Barry Keavney

Well-Known Member
I took this photo at the Black Country Museum ages ago, and never did anything with it. Even now it has the most minimal PP....just a preset I made a while ago. It has a sort of Corrie St. feel to it, I think. Possibly because of the brickwork and and overall feel...Anyway, I hope y'all like it.

What a great capture Barry. The frozen moment with the little girl works beautifully with the small flash of green from her skirt contrasting with the overall oranges and browns of the rest of the scene (it makes you wonder, has she seen you?). Perfectly timed and I like the out of focus railings and the way they frame it. Super!
"Don't look now!" maybe she drowned after falling off an iron bridge? Were you up there repointing the brick work?
Nice work Donald, I like the shot a lot, it definately make me think of that film! (apart from the fact she is wearing blue instead of red) ... It's the way she is standing, and the railings ... You could imaging a 1970's style camera zoom that zooms right in just to see her back as she disappears out of site!
Thanks guys! She was only there for a second or two and then toddled off. I don't think she even spotted me Pete. It was as if she was looking for someone, her parents I presume. I remembered being really happy when I got it, but as usual, it got lost amongst a mire of other shots (Sanoid First Aid - on this forum) being one of them.
Maybe I should have another look at the shots from that day! Hmmmm :-)
Mmmm. That's a superb photo. So many things to like in it and worth spending time over. I've seen a lot of photos over the years but never one quite like that. Congratulations on such a unique viewpoint!


Barry, When I first looked at the photo I thought the child ws standing on a balcony. Might need to get my eyes checked again.
Nice work though. A very unique composition.
Very nice shot Barry

Although the colours are lovely and rich, it might work well desaturated quite a bit, to suit the prison-like feel with the bars?