Black and white holiday pics?

Stevenson Gawen

Well-Known Member

I very much enjoyed the photos in this article by Hamish. I somehow wouldn't have had high expectations of holiday photos in black and white...
But boy does it work!
Have any of you RPFers been surprised by something like this? A format, a style, that you hadn't considered using...

Love the little Pentax Q7 as well.
I happened to be travelling with a camera that was totally unsuitable for the purpose. On my honeymoon in Paris I bought one of those cardboard cameras that they sold at the time, a disposable one. I had a lot of fun (actually, we had a lot of fun) taking stupid photos, with stupid subjects, and of low quality. They are aesthetically horrible photos, but today they are a beautiful memory. If I had wasted my time back then taking 'nice pictures' with a good camera, maybe my marriage would no longer exist today.
Have any of you RPFers been surprised by something like this? A format, a style, that you hadn't considered using...
I was gifted a Vivitar PN2011 some years ago. It's a 35mm, all plastic camera with a "panorama" mode (actually just masks that cover the top and bottom of the frame) and even has a tripod mount (don't know why because it only has one shutter speed and no bulb mode). Nevertheless I shot a lost of film with that camera and even flipped the lens around and got some weird light effects and blur.
Gianluca, I think you had a very appropriate camera. My wife and I also had our honeymoon in Paris with a cheap camera. It’s the only record we have of that time, so as with you both, those images are treasured. That said, they are in a box somewhere. Must dig them out…

Brian, that’s a great innovation for panormas 😂
Gianluca, I think you had a very appropriate camera. My wife and I also had our honeymoon in Paris with a cheap camera. It’s the only record we have of that time, so as with you both, those images are treasured. That said, they are in a box somewhere. Must dig them out…

Brian, that’s a great innovation for panormas 😂

If they are in any way similar to our photos, I'm not sure I want to see them, Rob 😂
A lot of reminiscences here - treasured memories that photography gives us. The format in my case was 110 which I decided to try with a very cheap and, as it turned out, semi-functioning Minolta 460Tx. It has led to my becoming immersed in the 16mm film format, 110 mostly. The camera that comes to mind is my old Olympus C2000Z which I dug out to shoot IR, which it did surprisingly well, and the style would be IR I suppose, digital and film. I have related my mixed experiences on 35mmc.