Brian Moore
All with Canon F1 and FD 28mm lens. The film was Fuji Across 100 that I accidentally shot at 400. I processed the roll in Rodinal @ 1:100 dilution, using the "semi-stand" technique for 1 hour and 20 minutes to develop as much of the images as possible.
Hussong's North The real Hussong's is a very famous (notorious, even) cantina in Ensenada, Mexico, which is not too far south of the border. Many a gringo has behaved badly there.
Big Bliddy Coos! I would have liked to have turned them around so that they were facing the sun but they gave me the impression they would not be budged lightly.
Apollo's So why not Greek food too?
Crafts A section of the fair is given over to artisans.
Icee And you can have a foot long hot dog to go along with it.
Relaxation Station Who's more relaxed?
Disk-0 1 There,...
Disk-O 2 ...and back again.
The Promenade I didn't expect much when I snaped this fotie but I quite like how it turned out.
Two Nice Ladies "Are you here to take our picture?" asked the one on the left. They were handing out free samples of nutrition bars. My camera earned me two extras. I sent this picture to the lady on the left, who had provided me her e-mail for that purpose.
Grille Chef He paused and smiled for me when he saw me lift the camera to my eye.
Lady Zep A Led Zeppelin cover band. And man they were gooood!
Snapped in Haste It may look like there was something untoward happening but it was just a daddy talking with his daughter. I liked the scene so I snapped it quick with no time to focus or adjust exposure.
Hussong's North The real Hussong's is a very famous (notorious, even) cantina in Ensenada, Mexico, which is not too far south of the border. Many a gringo has behaved badly there.
Big Bliddy Coos! I would have liked to have turned them around so that they were facing the sun but they gave me the impression they would not be budged lightly.
Apollo's So why not Greek food too?
Crafts A section of the fair is given over to artisans.
Icee And you can have a foot long hot dog to go along with it.
Relaxation Station Who's more relaxed?
Disk-0 1 There,...
Disk-O 2 ...and back again.
The Promenade I didn't expect much when I snaped this fotie but I quite like how it turned out.
Two Nice Ladies "Are you here to take our picture?" asked the one on the left. They were handing out free samples of nutrition bars. My camera earned me two extras. I sent this picture to the lady on the left, who had provided me her e-mail for that purpose.
Grille Chef He paused and smiled for me when he saw me lift the camera to my eye.
Lady Zep A Led Zeppelin cover band. And man they were gooood!
Snapped in Haste It may look like there was something untoward happening but it was just a daddy talking with his daughter. I liked the scene so I snapped it quick with no time to focus or adjust exposure.