blackwater falls

Beth Anthony

Well-Known Member
blackwater falls state park in west virginia



Beautiful series, and the last one is a surprise.
thanks. the last one is what this waterfall is famous for. the water pools in the rocks below and spins as it tries to drain out. i could only find one of the pools, but when the water levels are higher there's supposedly more.
Love these. May I ask how you processed them? They have a cool slightly diffused hazy quality that I can't quite define but like.
thanks stevenson.

i used the orton sharp button in pro panel. that's an extension i bought for photoshop. i bought it for its luminosity masks, but it does enough other stuff that i'm happy with it. their orton sharp does some things in the background that i can't see like levels, but it looks like the two main parts are what you'd expect: gaussian blur set to about 60, opacity 15% and high pass filter set to 2.8, blend mode hard light, opacity 75%.

also i had to pull the highlights back quite a bit in lightroom, which also gives the image a hazy look.
Excellent, Beth. As Gianluca said, that last one was a surprise! The new Fuji?
thanks brian. i had a rare free weekend. most of the time i work all week and every 4th weekend. but for the past few years we've gotten a special visitor every single weekend so i've had to work that too. thankfully he didn't come this weekend so i left town. i figured i was going hiking and they can't call me in if i'm 3 states away with limited cell phone service. and of course it was 100 degrees and miserable.

my schedule is locked in until mid-september with special events and with november 5th coming up i'm sure we'll have to scramble for even more last minute special visitor moves than usual. so this was probably my one and only chance to get familiar with the camera before vacation. i can only get away 3 weeks this year so i'll probably stick to south dakota, wyoming and montana.
thanks stevenson.

i used the orton sharp button in pro panel. that's an extension i bought for photoshop. i bought it for its luminosity masks, but it does enough other stuff that i'm happy with it. their orton sharp does some things in the background that i can't see like levels, but it looks like the two main parts are what you'd expect: gaussian blur set to about 60, opacity 15% and high pass filter set to 2.8, blend mode hard light, opacity 75%.
Thanks Beth. Interesting stuff. I've just looked up pro panel and luminosity masks. I use Darktable mostly... starting to wonder if I've been spoilt as it allows absolutely any slider to be limited by a parametric mask which if controled by brightness seems to be in fact a luminosity mask... hmm. I might be missing the point 😵‍💫 but sounds like a very handy addon to PS !
Thanks Beth. Interesting stuff. I've just looked up pro panel and luminosity masks. I use Darktable mostly... starting to wonder if I've been spoilt as it allows absolutely any slider to be limited by a parametric mask which if controled by brightness seems to be in fact a luminosity mask... hmm. I might be missing the point 😵‍💫 but sounds like a very handy addon to PS !
not too sure how darktable works, the luminosity masks just let you pick specific tones as a mask.
setup my focus stacking
Stacking in camera? My m43 rigs will do that but I still prefer to manually focus and stack. Although I thought about doing some in-camera while shooting the obsidian earlier this week.
Stacking in camera? My m43 rigs will do that but I still prefer to manually focus and stack. Although I thought about doing some in-camera while shooting the obsidian earlier this week.
it only takes the photos for the focus stack. i stack them in helicon. been doing that for years

Beautiful images, Beth, particularly the last one. Looking at the swirling pool is a bit like staring into the witches cauldron..
thanks ralph.