Blanka And Noemi

OK, so there was clearly not enough light and the shutter speed was therefore way too long but I like the feel of the shot. I do have others that are sharp(er) but I think this is my favourite.


Polaroid SX-70 using Impossible B&W film. Print imaged using a Song RX100. Minimal PP in LR.
I can see why you like it Pete. It presents a little mystery. Me thinks you have a little personal attachment also. ;)
I'd like to see a sharper image...just because those smiles are something else!:D
Confuse as to whether it was the picture you took of the picture or the picture you took of, that was blurry. Got it and think it is a smashing image Pete. The second one also, green eyes and all. Superb.
Oh my, Pete. You sure collected a lot of pins for your hat. I assume from your travels. Nicely done. :p

Lovely image the Polaroid. Yes, blurry image, but the happiness shines through sharply rendered.
Lovely air of contentment and pride captured in the original image. I like the fact that child only is looking towards you.
No problem whatsoever regarding the "blurriness".