Blue & Yellow

Douglas McMann

Well-Known Member
A fine day on the north Morayshire coast skies and sun...almost hit 14 degrees...!!!!

This shot taken over the firth, towards the Black Isle clearly shows winters grip still clutching on, with snow ravaging the coastline...

Blue & Yellow by Douglas McMann, on Flickr
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Stunning image, Dougie. The blues and yellows are a beautiful compliment to one another and the clouds are like icing on the cake.
Wow! What powerful colors.
I think your brave Doug, Ive seen this dayglo rapeseed oil plants here and shuddered to think if the camera could deal with it. So not attempted the photo. The cause of much hay fever no doubt and can see why the colours do not agree with many as they wave their fists at the bright yellow countryside at this time of the year. I think you've tackled a difficult subject well and can see a very valid interpretation.
Sorry, Dougie, but I think it's a wee bit OTT. Certainly, it's an arresting image, but the colours, for me, are too strong.

Thanks Rob, I understand entirely what you mean...this is not the type of image I would normally post, but found the saturation and incredible bands of contrast too tempting not to try...Even the use of a ND Grad couldn't assist...
Now I should not agree with Rob, as I have a tendancy of posting something like this, but in this case I will. Still I find it real good how my eyes are lead to the mountains with its snow tops.:)
I seem to be in the minority here. This is a shot that I would normally not like and yet I think the enhanced colors work in this shot. Maybe because blue is my favorite color and yellow and blue one of my favorite color combinations. Then again, maybe it is the look of the clouds. I'm also with Rob about taking a look at it in b&w.
Now I should not agree with Rob, as I have a tendancy of posting something like this, but in this case I will. Still I find it real good how my eyes are lead to the mountains with its snow tops.:)
Ivar it occurred to me when I saw the image that it had a Larson-esque blue saturation.

yellow and blue one of my favorite color combinations
Mine too.