Boat on Sand

Lovely color palettes - the sands almost have purple hues
Chris, interesting. Often wish more than one camera I have I can get what seems like excessive chroma in harbour mud and certain sand locally. I have always wondered if it may be the often high silicon content in the mud/sand which is highly reflective.
I did see it in these , but put it down to the deep blue reflections from the boat moored along side. Who knows, not I.
Very nice images here. The study of rust, paint checkering and all against the clean sand is interesting. The lighting is exquisite. I might crop the first image to not have the two points (the top of the rudder and the corner of the stern) touch the edge of the frame. And I agree with Pete that the second might benefit from a crop that engages the corner of the farm more. But, heck, that's pretty nit picking on my part.