Bored afternoon shots - I like boredom. It usually means something is cooking.

PS There’s a mixture there. For instance the first shot did not have the glass in front of it, but was (iirc) a 4-seconds exposure.
I have been struggling to follow this forum lately, there is too much news every day. Good thing, indeed!

I like experiments, but no. 1 (without the glass) is probably my favourite. Also the cyclopean spacecraft in no. 2 captures my attention. In no. 3 the baroque guitar is fighting against the hanging paintings and nobody knows who will be the winner, I'm rooting for the guitar, but who knows?. No. 4 is a no for. No. 5 has teeth and eyes that scare me out of my pants. No. 6 is intimate and thoughtful and relaxing. I vote for No. 6.

Where is No. 7?
Haha. It was never my intention to scare you, Gianluca! I did not see those eyes and teeth…Now I can’t NOT see them!

Well, they were fun to do, and I do like the first and last.

I’ve been contributing a lot here this last week or two, thanks to the new camera reigniting my passion for photography. My enthusiasm will die down in a while, and you’ll just hear from me occasionally. So please excuse the excess of contributions and comments. But what else is this place for?
As I mention in my initial comments, Brian, I put a wine glass in front of the lens, and sometimes moved it around while doing a relatively long exposure of one to four seconds. In that last image the edges of the wine glass came into view occasionally during the long exposure, with quite an interesting result! I might explore the technique more. You heard of it here first! I’m sure you’ll tell me if it works with beer tumblers as well :cool: