Dan Cattermole
Dan Down - The Steampunk Womble
Hey Guys, I know what your probably thinking, Here we go again, another Light Mummy. thats all that 'Dan' does on here. hahaha!! I'll be honest with you, I'm not happy with this one. why? I mean look at it, the same boring pose again. Born from the light the title states, He/it should be on the floor......crawling to the camera using its fingers to pull itself across the floor, not being able to walk yet, and certainly not stood there like that, surely??? I couldn't think straight in the cold either (is that a scientific fact?? body and mind doesn't function properly when shivering???) Hamish, I'm sorry I didn't contact you before I went out, it was just an instantanious moment, camera, tripod, L.E.D's, fire...... gone. I think thats what made me rush things and not really think about it. just messing around I suppose, (you still haven't sent me your number yet Hamish, I'm still very intrigued with these ideas you have in mind.) I'm most definately open for critisism on this one tho folks....... come on..... hit me hard...
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