Born from the fire

Dan Cattermole

Dan Down - The Steampunk Womble
Hey Guys, I know what your probably thinking, Here we go again, another Light Mummy. thats all that 'Dan' does on here. hahaha!! I'll be honest with you, I'm not happy with this one. why? I mean look at it, the same boring pose again. Born from the light the title states, He/it should be on the floor......crawling to the camera using its fingers to pull itself across the floor, not being able to walk yet, and certainly not stood there like that, surely??? I couldn't think straight in the cold either (is that a scientific fact?? body and mind doesn't function properly when shivering???) Hamish, I'm sorry I didn't contact you before I went out, it was just an instantanious moment, camera, tripod, L.E.D's, fire...... gone. I think thats what made me rush things and not really think about it. just messing around I suppose, (you still haven't sent me your number yet Hamish, I'm still very intrigued with these ideas you have in mind.) I'm most definately open for critisism on this one tho folks....... come on..... hit me hard...


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Ive just gone through previous posts to see the rest of the light mummy saga, I must say im enjoying it a lot. love this monster you have created. I really like this photo, I like the evolution in your thought, but I think your right “crawling to the camera using its fingers to pull itself across the floor” would be awesome quite sinister. I like the transition from the fire hole to with the blue light almost like an umbilical cord as well. Top effort battling the elements….again!! If your popping out again any time soon with Hamish and ever need a gofer ill be well up for tagging along and getting some experience in!
You know what's coming don't you ... I can almost smell it on the horizon .. Some kind of Worcester Real Photographers club monthly meet ... We shall have to all buy one of those jackets without sleeves that have loads of pockets and get our selves some billingham bags (mr Dodkin knows what Im saying ;) )... Awesome! I already carry 2 cameras when ever I lave the house ... 2 more and I'll be at the lower amount required to be in a camera club ...
I actually love it when people from local camera clubs come in the shop, so lighthearted mockery should be ignored entirely... The same thing always happens, I go over to ask if they need any help, they say they don't (despite staring intently at some old s/h lens) i say something like "I miss all the good second stuff we used to get in, it's a shame the market has died, but I suppose it's good for collectors" ... And then we are off ... I've been tied up for ages with them chatting away ... Especially if it's quiet in the shop, "oh yes, ive got one of those, lovely camera, dicky shutter .... Oooo I found a gem at a car boot the one day .... Etc" ... To most people probably the most boring convo in the world ... Not to me ... Fasinating stuff!
Theres one guy who leant me his rollei 35s

I so badly wanted him to sell it ... No dice ...
Anyway, I'm babbling ...

I think it's a good one Dan ... Impressive ... Good timing!!
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Looking forward to a face to face meet and greet of the Worcestershire folks, great idea hamish. Lol. that shall have to be arranged......
Tom, I have no problem in you tagging along, maybe you could contribute some ideas or even have a go...... You've shown that you possess the knack for good eye candy. I tend not top plan for these moments though, its mainly a matter of stumbling across an idea, grabbing the kit and meeting the nocturnal creatures. Lol.
Thanks for the comments anyway :)
Another nice shot, looks like this could be fun to get into. The only thing I've done that's vaguely similar in photographing my daughter with Fire Poi.
lol. Thank you Al, I was hoping for some critism this time round, but I guess I'm just going to have to keep them comin then. hahahaha!! :) :)