Brent Reservoir

Jim Kuo

The man in the hat
Took these pictures from the local reservoir this weekend. This is my first visit to the place, despite living in the area for 10+ years ;-)

I drew on the tips Hamish, Darren and others gave me last time to hopefully improve the photos (in post processing and composition) a little. Again, I guess I am looking for thoughts on what would you personally do differently. Comments and critisms are the most welcome.





The rainbow is no photoshop, it was caused by the sunlight shined straight onto my lens (sun cropped) :-)
Very nice ... big step in the right direction!
Its obvious you have taken some time to create something that looks right or at least interesting to you, which is good!
some great colours in the first 3, i especially like the tones in the third one!
the leaf is nice, well exposed and nice separation from the background!
not so sure about the last one though ... is that rainbow superimposed on the image?
Thanks for your kind words.

The rainbow is not superimposed, it was there in the image, I think it was formed by the sunlight shined straight into my 17-40 (I cropped out the sun). This photo by itself is not that strong, but the bizarrely but naturally formed rainbow made it interesting to me :-)
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I really like the first shot and the big green buckeye leaf (if that's what it is?).

For the first and second photos the "second sun" bothers me. Were you using some kind of filter on your lens that caused the reflection to create that second image?
Thanks Ralph, yes, the second sun bothered me too. I did not use any filter, just simply pointed my 17-40 towards the sun. I did try put a PCL on but the "second sun" remains. The reflection wasn't an effect I wanted to create, I would like to get rid of it (during capturing) if someone would teach me how.
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My bet (for both rainbow and flare from sun) is because of a uv/protective filter on the end of the lens ....

That is odd though that rainbow Jim ... It's the way it ends suddenly ... Still, I understand why you posted it now!
Actually, I just double checked. I did not have UV filters on both 17-40 and 70-200. The front elements of both lenses are clean, as the UV filters were removed not so long ago

I took the UV filter off the 17-40 because it created corner shadow when using the Cokin P filters. And I took it off the 70-200 because I only have one 67mm UV filter which I gave to my Tamron 28-75 because it has a shorter hood ;-)

So I am still puzzled by the second sun and the rainbow... I remember I could see the second sun in the view finder when I took the pictures.
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Jim - very nice

I really like #3 and #4 = great colour, and strong composition

RE 2nd sun - suspect this is just lens flare - the only way around this is to clone it out in Photoshop afterwards

Had a similar problem myself recently with my 17-35, and a quick clone-tool in PS fixed the offending sun spot nicely :)
If there was no filter than some Post Processing will remove it.