Brodie Jackson - Project 366

Brodie Jackson

Well-Known Member
Better Late than never, right? :D
My 366 project will just be pictures of things I find intewrsting or just random pictures of stuff i find that day. Will be editing most as I need practice!
soo here goes! wishing everyone luck :D
(comments and advice is most welcome!!)
Cheers folks :)

Day 1. 01/01/2012
Happy New Year!

DSC03373 by Brodie1994, on Flickr

Day 2. 02/01/2012
Mother dearest with the new addition to the family - Murphy Jackson :D

DSC03414 by Brodie1994, on Flickr

Day 3. 03/01/2012
Just spotting UFO's. It's all good.

DSC03418.. by Brodie1994, on Flickr
wow nice start Brodie, so chuffed you have joined the band wagon.............not sure whos idea this 366 was to start them this year but it good to know a few RPFers are taking part. Good luck with this year long project :D
Ha! Still no little ones!!
Your not giving them enough christmas pudding! :D :D
Day 5
awww love the birdy shot, is that an xmas decoration or simmilar??

Day 6
really like the processing you have done here
ooooo never been called sir before........haha