Idea for project 366's (RPF Blogging info)

Hamish Gill

Tech Support (and Marketing)
Before it gets to the point that there are hundreds of photos to do it with, why dont you all use the forums inbuilt blogging system to create project 366 blogs?

For each photo just click the "blog this post" button at the bottom of each image post
remove the "quote" code from around the post and save

you could also create a blog category of "project 366 2012"
that way people could click on the little blog link at the top left of each of your posts, click the "project 366 2012" category and see the whole thing without all the chatter between each post ...

im not saying the chatter isnt worth being there in the forum, but it might be nice to be able to just see all the pictures in one stream ... or "Blog"

these things are usually in the form of blogs, we have inbuilt blogging software ... makes sense to me!
You can also link your mates, put a link to the blog category in your signature, post it on face book etc ...

like this, this is a link to my camera collection blog category

how cool would that look as a stream of images without the chatter between!?!

It would also mean more people would be using the bloging stuff which would be pretty good in my books
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That's sounds like a good idea Hamish.
I love it that people are getting involved in the project, although how difficult it can be at times.

Without sounding harsh, it's good to see new threads, and very excitable over the threads that are visable daily, don't mistake me, the content in the 366 threads are FABULOUS, I just fear that the threads will become less excitable to click as time goes on.
Am I wrong to say something like that with full intentions NOT to offend anyone??

This suggestion is an amazing idea as members can view anyone's project in their own time, and visually see just the pictures.

I'm in, I'll get in the case tonight. :)
If you look down the right hand column you see there are 2 categories now
"uncategorized" and "project 366 2012"
I created the
project 366 2012 one for you (i have ultimate power, but you can create categories too)
if you edit each
project 366 2012 post, click go advanced and add them to the category

you can also create a separate category for your other "the shoota" like posts
this way people can view it as one long blog of everything you blog or select a category and just view each set separately ...
Just to add to this, id encourage anyone with any type of ongoing project to blog the posts from the forum
It means you can link to whole sets of images once projects are complete etc without having to get people to view all the different threads etc ...

Also for eg, although people can post comments on blog posts individually memebers can creates blogs based on lots of threads then when the project is complete post a "My Project" blog where people can comment in the thread on the blog as a whole ...

This will work really well for things like the alaphabet theme...

at the end of the year if everyone has blogged thier photos in a categorised blog everones blogs can be linked to in one thread so that can be made into an article for the home page ...

that way we have a nice permanent and easy route to finding all peoples images within the same ongoing theme

ya get me ;)
SHOOT! totally forgot to upload todays pic and it is now 1 am lol.
i'll (try and) blog mine.. May have to read those insrctions a few times again :D good idea though :)
i can see your doing it already Brodie...
Just dont forget to create a category
click the pencil by the "blog categories" in the right hand column
then create new category ...
edit each post (advanced options) and add them to the category