Laurie 620 is just 120 film on a smaller diameter spool. (Your camera says "Six-20" right on the front of it too, by the way.) Anyway, yes you can buy 120 film re-spooled onto 620 spools (expensive) or you can do it yourself. It's not hard. However, sometimes Kodak screwed up and made cameras intended for 620 that actually would take a 120 spool. (My understanding is that Kodak created the 620 format so that people who bought 620 cameras would have to buy Kodak film.) The Brownie Hawkeye Flash Model is one such Kodak screw up (albeit a wonderful camera.) Also, sometimes you can make a 120 spool fit just by trimming it. That's not hard either since 120 spools are plastic and you can quite easily pare away around the circumference of the spool's top/bottom circular portions.