Davie Hudson
Well-Known Member

Taken yesterday and to say it was cold would be an understatement, and getting to the falls was a nightmare resulting in me having water up to my right thigh
Excellent photo..!
Considering the weather forecast I've just seen (snow, snow, rain, rain, snow) you were probably lucky to get weather this good...
Brilliant Davie, really worth the trek........ Composition is brilliant, as is the foreground interest of that raging river.
Well Done, Roll on more snow, i cant wait to See more in the wild winter conditions you are expecting up there.
Great image Davie, very dramatic. So you didn't fancy going up to the summit then?
I must admit it has lost it's appeal on me too. You get all the way up there only to realise that you are cold, tired and have to go all the way back down again!