Bust bee

Allan Batchelor

Well-Known Member
Taken at Dundee botanic gardens

Busy Bee .. I was dreading opening it for a second I thought I was going to see a squashed bee

What's the flower? It looks like a bee! Is that intentional ... Not by you I mean, by the flower ;)

A nice shot, compo is great... I'm I little distracted by ... Is it some cloning at the bottom left?
My screen seems to pick up a regular pattern of some sort?
oh i see it now. Think there was a leaf there i never noticed that will need to retouch it

Im not too sure what it is Hamish it was in one of the foreign sections but will see if can find out. Oh and it was meant be busy bee but i couldnt see how change the title lol
Yeah, I had guessed it was busy bee ;)
You can't change it... Only admin, but I quite like it ;) (I'll change it if you like)

Is somtimes the problem with cloning, especially on modern Lcds ... They are often so bright that they don't show up cloning errors ... Screen calibration is the only solution really :)

I'm still intrigued by this flower that seems to be the same shape as the bee, just with blue wings...
i think it was in the Spanish section of the gardens will have a dig about on net. Think actual gardens shut down at this time of year or go too limit times of opening. Mostly likely when im working lol but will drive by and see next time im out that way
You do see what I mean though? Looks just like a bee ... Or am I being daft?
I can't be a coincidence!
There must be someone here who knows about this sorta thing, save you going back ...
I never thought about it like that but yes when you have a closer look the way the flower is droopped and curved at the bottom does kinda resemble the stinger of said bee