call me crazy but

Peter Blake

Well-Known Member
I've decided I am going to make my own tilt/shift unit.

started off with a Fuji GX680 body. cut the body off, leaving a nice set of rails, front standard, and bellows. got me a mamiya 645 45mm lens, which will be mounted in a 645 tube, set into a custom panel. body will be some kind of Nikon. the bit I'm puzzling about is, how to connect the rear of the bellows to the body.

went and looked at a Horseman View Camera Converter today, the camera adapter pierces the fabric of the bellows in that. still none the wiser. any experience or suggestions?

the particular bodge I have in mind, uses a piece of plastic card over the end of the bellows, which is pierced by a pola filter with the glass knocked out......the rearmost part being attached to a t-mount. reason is, the mount needs to rotate around 90 degrees when attaching to the body, and at the moment I can't think of another way of doing it.
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yes you can!

I was doing a bit more research on the subject, and also saw this:Using the Nikon D800 with Cambo X2 Pro and medium format lenses | Nikon Rumors

which is another interpretation of the Horseman device. still, mine is lowfi and probably easily put together by anyone not just those with access to either 1700 euros or a well-equipped machineshop. and it's kinda portable. should weigh around 1.5kgs without a body mounted. great for street photography, right? :) just nipping out to the park to do a few snaps then
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