Calling Fuji X100 Users

Dave Young

Well-Known Member
OK, I'm just putting this out there as I'm still not sure where I really want to go with it all.

Currently I have an ageing Canon 5D along with a modest line up of prime lenses (28mm f/1.8, 50mm f1.4 & a 100mm f/2). It capable of reasonably good images all in all, and I do like the full frame experience.

The problem is though, I don't take enough photos with it, based on my laziness to take it out with me. Recently I bought a Fuji X10, which I'm slowly getting to grips with - but I have a hankering for a X100.

To fund an X100, I'd really have to sell the 5D and lenses, and so I'm wondering if anyone has made the move away from a full DSLR kit to the X100. I realise the implications of a single lens, however, given the majority of the images I take, I'm not too concerned about that. I guess I'm more concerned at moving on the 5D and then finding it all to be a big mistake and not really being in a position to re-invest, been there before, got the t-shirt :mad:

So, anyone any comments or thoughts - especially if you've gone that way?
I went 5DII to X100 Dave - loved the small size and manual controls - really took to the focal length and great IQ

For me, it then took me to the X-Pro1 - although I have kept the X100 an still use it, and love it.

It changes the way you shoot - for me that was a really good experience - made it more fun

I took it more places than my 5DII, and hence got more photos and more variety as well.

The close-up (macro) ability was a surprise to me, and I've really enjoyed that aspect - as well as the silent street shooting capabilities

Some of my X100 shots on FLICKR here:

IQ wise, I'd say it's close to your 5D - better noise levels and low light performance

The lens is as good as many L lenses - no issues there

Here's an X100 shot vs a Canon 50mm f/1.2 L lens shot




Canon 50mm f/1.2 L

At the end of the day only you will know if it's a good fit for you and your photographic style - but there's certainly a lot to love in the little Fuji.
Many thanks for your reply Chris, the images you've posted are quite revealing, especially as the Canon lens is the 50mm f/1.2!

I think if I choose to go the X100 route I'll keep hold of the X10 I have simply for longer reach, having finally started to get the hang of it!
For me personally, 5D and X100 are very different tools which are suited for different styles of photography. X100 encourages me to zoom with my feet, get in close and shoot at F8 1/500s, which suits me quite well when shooting on the streets. But this may be a slight problem when you want to capture far away subjects when there are obstacles in the way. The physical differences were enough to modify my styles/behaviours when shooting a 5D2 or a X100 for me.

So like Chris said, only you will know if it's a good fit for you.
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