Cambridge in Colour - Superb Tutorials!

Hamish Gill

Tech Support (and Marketing)
Discovered this site a few times now, i think it is possibly the best, most comprehensive and easiest to understand set of photography related tutorials I am yet to find on the internet!
Seriously worth checking out! I cant see how anyone even with a vast amount of photography knowledge wouldn't learn something from spending some time trawling through these ...
This one is definitely being added to our "websites we like" category!


Digital Photography Tutorials
Yeah, I've used this quite a lot. Awesome site with few, if any, rivals. I even have it as number 1 in my list of 'Guides/Tutorials' links on my website!
I've saved this as an icon on my iPhone, very very informative! Great find :)
I've seen his site before and while not too excited about HDR the images here are not too overdone like so many others. The photographs look like they were excellent to begin with and then the pp has been applied to give them a little extra. I think he studied in Cambridge as so was allowed into places where the general public can't usually go. I've looked at students wonder in and out of the college grounds and wonder if I had my gear in a satchel and dressed casually I might be able to sneak in to a few places.