Canary Wharf

Lesley Jones

Otherwise know as Zooey
I vaguely remember this outing to London. I met up with a virtual friend from work for a coffee and then spent the rest of the day wandering around. This must have been taken with the 17mm lens on my OM2n and the film was Ilford. What I do recall was pushing the film and then the processor didn't follow my instructions. Some of the shots are useless, while a handful have been brought back from the brink during scanning... :)

Good shot, Lesley. Canary Wharf often looks interesting in photos, but I have to say I found the place really alien. I felt quite sick, and couldn't wait to get out. Such tall buildings, and thousands of human ants. As a vision of the future, I found it quite depressing. For those who are unaware, it is London's financial centre. That aside, this photo is good!
everyone should know canary wharf, there was a massive battle there with cybermen, daleks and torchwood..

great comp. lesley, love the framing.

I never knew that Beth, but then I don't have the time (or inclination) to watch television. Like Rob, I didn't take to the place either and I remember almost nothing - which is unusual for me :)
Wow - great angle Lesley - very clever
Love it. It is not the "normal" framing for something like this (the "bullseye" would be centered, at least horizontally) but I think the image is much stronger as you framed it. Excellent, Lesley