Hi Hamish,
Thanks for your kind words & your detailed constructive criticism, it's very helpful to me at this stage. I quite enjoy the getting close & the candid nature of this type of shot. It takes me a few shots of a less intimate nature before getting a bit closer & am quite mindful of upsetting people. I find it quite a buzz, but also a little nerve wracking too. I pass through town most days & have always people watched, so this just seems an extension of that. My only concern is I don't want to upset anyone, so I often thank them afterwards & sometimes chat a little too.
The captures are pretty random at this stage i.e. If I spot an interesting looking face or person, I try to approach unseen trying to find an angle or background & quicly take a shot or two when the moment shows itself. I have been looking around for more ideal backgrounds, but the interesting people don't seem to walk past as I wait.
With the fact that the background isn't always as good as it could be, & the things you point out, I need to pay more attention to my cropping. I didn't even notice the pram wheels in the first image or think about the wall & it's shadow in the last image. So that gives me something to work on.
I will also have a look at the vignettes. I don't really want them to be distracting. What I'm trying to achieve is a darker image, but without blocking out the blacks & darker tones, that some seem to do.
Thanks for the pointers, mate, very much appreciated.