Chris Dodkin
West Coast Correspondent
December is a great month to photograph bright, festive decorations. One of the most eye-catching decorations is also the most challenging: Holiday lights. There are many different tricks and techniques detailed below to capture the beguiling colors, glitters, and twinkles – pick the one(s) that work best for you and your equipment, and make the most of this beautiful holiday season!
Canon DLC: Article: Quick Tip: Photographing Holiday Lights
Includes tips on using High ISO, Long Exposures, Tripods, Image Stabilization, Wide Angle Lenses, Fast Lenses, Color Temp, Soft Focus, and Motion Blur.
Canon DLC: Article: Quick Tip: Photographing Holiday Lights
Includes tips on using High ISO, Long Exposures, Tripods, Image Stabilization, Wide Angle Lenses, Fast Lenses, Color Temp, Soft Focus, and Motion Blur.