Cheers your Majesty!

One of the shots from my days duty acting as photographer to the village celebrations in Greywell. The winners of the best dressed couple cracking open the first bottle of bubbly!!


Leica M9 + 35mm Leica Summilux M f1:1.4. ISO 160, 1/2000s at f1:4.9. PP in LR4, Nik ColorFX 2 and PS.
That's some great timing that!
Looks like she can't wait for a swig or two. :)
Now that's an action shot - nicely done Pete

hope you got a drop or three even though you were on duty? ;)
There's a passing resemblance isn't there! Not the greatest of images but I was pleased where the cork ended up. There was too much clutter around. Same for many of the shots even wide open but hopefully I can make a set of about 120 for the village to use in the hall. I'll post some more when I've been through them more thoroughly. Just in the process of updating my Nik software - it was all refreshed on the 3rd June (free updates) then I will start sorting and editing I think.
A corking great shot, or an uncorking great shot?

Garry Lee from Cork, appropriately..