Clearly I'm No Brassai...

Brian Moore

...but his photo of the steps at Montmartre popped into my mind when I looked down these steps.

I took this with my Canon T70 and Kodak Ektar 100 film. I used my Canon FD 28mm lens and a concrete abutment, like the one dominating the right side of the image, to steady the camera.

The image was very yellow, so I used a "cooling filter" in PS to get a more realistic color.

Oh my giddy aunt, more PP Brian! ;)

Love the lack of people - it's almost surreal Brian - why time of night was this?
Nice shot Brian!
What happening here? more PP? i'm impressed ;)
It is I suppose the lack of people that makes it like the brassai image ..
Thank you, Hamish. Yes, more PP. (The Dust Police--despicable specimins of the human race ;)--have motivated me a little to experiment with PP.)
It is a bit remarkable that the scene looks so desolate, considering it was only 8 pm or something. There were a lot of people about above stairs, but not so many down below. However, I believe there actually is a human being in the picture. If you look just center-left, above the railing but below the bottom of the pier, you'll see a blurry object. That apparition is, I do believe, a woman who was having a chat on her cell phone, moving back and forth and thus rendering herself un-sharp due to the slow shutter speed.