Brian Moore
At Louisville Slugger Field, Louisville Kentucky.
This is "Triple A" Minor League Baseball, the top league before the Major Leagues. Lesser leagues include "Double A" and below that "Class A" baseball. These are development leagues for players up and coming as well as Big League players coming back from injury or no longer good enough to make the cut of their Big League team. If you've seen the film "Bull Durham" you've seen a fictional account of Minor League Baseball. (Although there is a real team called the Durham Bulls.) Each minor league team is affiliated with a Big League team. The Clippers with the Cleveland Indians and the Bats with the Cincinnati Reds.
(TMI? Probably! But I like baseball so I thought I'd offer you lot in Blighty a glimpse of American culture.
Olympus XA2 and Kodak Tri-X 400 processed in Rodinal.

This is "Triple A" Minor League Baseball, the top league before the Major Leagues. Lesser leagues include "Double A" and below that "Class A" baseball. These are development leagues for players up and coming as well as Big League players coming back from injury or no longer good enough to make the cut of their Big League team. If you've seen the film "Bull Durham" you've seen a fictional account of Minor League Baseball. (Although there is a real team called the Durham Bulls.) Each minor league team is affiliated with a Big League team. The Clippers with the Cleveland Indians and the Bats with the Cincinnati Reds.
(TMI? Probably! But I like baseball so I thought I'd offer you lot in Blighty a glimpse of American culture.

Olympus XA2 and Kodak Tri-X 400 processed in Rodinal.