Compact Problem

Milan Vjestica

Well-Known Member
Just got back from a week near Nelson Bay and the stunning Stockton Beach and Dunes. I have had a problem with my G9 with what I thought was dirt on the lens. It got a thorough clean before I went. However, when I got the pictures onto my PC................


As you can see two marks, not insignificant, that have really made an impact. On some pictures I can crop them out, on others the marks are hidden in the image and not visible. I could get it repaired, but suspect the cost will be too high compared to the worth of the camera. The other option is to replace it. I was planning to spend some money on a good wide angle zoom for my SLR but that plan is on hold. I will now have to divert funds.

What do you think? Repair, or replace with something like a G12, Olympus PEN P2 or PL2 or even a Panansonic GF2? I like the compactness of the G9 for travel when I do not want to carry the D300 et al. However, the interchangeable lenses and added sensor size of the 4/3 cameras does appeal.

As always you sage advice is apreciated.

... A dusty sensor is always a bugger in a compact camera!
If you were over here I could proba arrange a repair for c£50 ...
I'm selling my gf1 if your interested?
Milan - do you have access to a program like Photoshop?

Photoshop has a tool to fix these dust spots in your images - takes just a few seconds and the results are often perfect
Hi Chris,

I use either GIMP or Paint.Net for that sort of stuff. I just find it anoying and unecessary as it appears on many pictures. I cannot get on with the equivalent tool in Lightroom or get results I am happy with.

Hi Hamish,

How can dirt get onto the sensor if the camera is sealed? No interchangeable lenses. I do suspect it is on the lens though. A 50UKP repair would appeal as I do like the G9. Message me you price for the GF1 ad what you plane to include in terms of lenses. I may be interested, it will depend on postage and what I can get one for here.


It looks like it's on the sensor mate, stuff on the lens doesn't usually show as it's so far out of focus.
You have to take apart the camera ... I know a company who fix battery doors and simple bits of about £50 so I'll ask them tomorrow if this comes under the same category as that...
I'll have a think ... I have to sell it anyway, so I'll post a f/s thread with you having first dibs!
no joy mate ... one company i know of want £110 and the other £160 because "the whole camera needs dismantling to clean the sensor"
A website with some photos of a stripped down canon G7 (almost identical to G9)

You tube video, the air blast looks far too powerful !


some discussion on flickr:

If you are going to try it with canned air make sure it is the type that does not squirt liquid out at certain angles as that would be a disaster.

Co2 might be better,
Hi Mark,

Thanks for the info and links. That man is using an industrial airline! That may end up causing damage if he is not careful. I dropped into the Canon Repair Centre here is Sydney today (I found out this morning it is 10 minutes from where I work) and asked them their advice. It will cost about $210-$230 and will involve replacing the whole lens and sensor assembley as that is easier than cleaning! They charge $50 to clean an SLR sensor. I am tempted to have a go myself! Then again........
since your about to own a compact where the sensor is easy to clean id stick this on ebay and have it done with ... i doubt you will get much less for it than you would one without the dirt as a lot of people will see it as an opportunity for a bargain
its all about how you write the listing!