Critique Welcomed Connie in the studio

Very cute! I like the colors--the background tone is very complimentary to Connie's skin tones, hair color and clothing. Delightful shot, Hamish.
I agree with Brian. I also like that you've got good depth of field and Connie's shoes are in focus along with everything else. Nice work Hamish.
brilliant shot, nice crisp & clear, its also nice to see a background other than white or black to be honest, and as already been mentioned it compliments Connie s skin & clothing very well

Defo should be proud of this more formal shot.

Cheers Lesley, she does that a lot with her hands - sorta waves them around I front of her self when she's excited... It's what makes the photo for me to be honest, so it's nice that someone else noticed even though they don't know the story ... If that makes sense :)

Thanks Darren ...
It is actually a white backdrop, I've just added a bit of a tone in the pp that's close to skin tone ... It doesn't effect the skin tone so much to look to obvious but does effect the white of the background.
But yeah, I know what you mean, I didn't want to go with the usual high key white look ...
Take your stocking off first though Hamish! :D

Very nice shot - you got great engagement and a happy baby, which is no mean feat!
That's a really lovely portrait, Hamish! One for the wall I think?