I like them both actually, I got a bit bored with the uhes one and didn't really read it much, but that's not your fault it's just not a subject that interests me. I did like the nice clean feel of the site to suite the products on offer and it was easy to navigate around, even though I don't know what I'm looking at. If someone had told me to buy Neat speakers and directed me to this site I would have no trouble navigating to their tab/page and reading the blurb.
My only small point would be the contact details are not clearly signposted, there is a tab for Ultimate, but you have to scroll down the page to find them. I know it's no big deal or hardship to do this,but some lazy people like me may not do it........Bloody'ell!!! I just double checked to make sure I hadn't missed it elsewhere and clicked on the used/demo tab, are them prices for real? how can they possibly justify £15,000? it's cheaper to fly around the world and see live music in every country. I spat tea all over my monitor when I saw that......anyway back to what I was saying.... did you consider mouse roll over for the product images with a mouse click to scroll through rather then have them roll over every few seconds, I did see the image number buttons. I was just wondering.
All in all I like that site basically.there a typo on one page BTW.
Boxcar productions I like also, the site suites the image the company is trying to get across, old school values, creative thinking etc I like the simple fact that the remote is wired rather then wireless and it's also not done as a powerpoint but as an old fashion slideshow. Some of the text reminded me of the Innocence style of branding which gives the company an approachable feel. Although I realise this is not aimed at your typical consumer it will appeal to the type of person it's aimed at.One minor point (come on you knew there had to be one

) did you have to use Regan from the Exorcist in the Anout Us slide?
Anyone know how to remove tea from a monitor?