Critique Welcomed Covert Photography - Highway 101

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Decided to take the Fuji X100 and try the covert photographic approach on one of my favorite walks - along the cliffs on Highway 101, near Carlsbad CA.

The X100 has a slightly longer focal length than the lens I've used on the X-Pro1, nearer 35mm equiv. - so I had to adjust for that, and for the fact that I was walking brusquely, instead of sauntering.

We're not talking Olympic pace by any means, but considerably faster than my attempts on the weekend! ;)

I set the AF to central point, and engaged the built-in 3 stop ND filter on the X100 - Aperture at f/2.8

I held the camera in both hands at waist level to shoot - I found holding it down at my side was not easy, as it has fewer anchor points than the X-Pro1 for that style of holding/shooting.


Hold on to your hats!


Wave Runner


Lunchtime Siesta

X100 was more than up for the task - although I did get some shots with the focus on the background, and soft subjects (which is to be expected I guess).

I think the shutter lag may be slightly longer than the X-Pro1, not entirely sure without doing a side by side test.

I was conscious that the silver color of the X100 made it more visible - but no-one seemed to be bothered, and there was no indication that people were aware of the covert shooting.

The soft release on the X100 (as with my X-Pro1) was really useful, as it allowed my trigger finger to lie over the release and trigger it without an obvious pressing motion.

I do need to think about min shutter speeds more, as I missed a couple of great shots with camera or subject blur - maybe I could have set min shutter speed to say 1/500 and avoided this - allowing AutoISO to float and account for changes in lighting - will have to play some more.
Still 3 fine shots, though, whatever the differences between the x100 and the X Pro 1. Very nice, Chris. I think the one with the lady running is especially good for the tones in the sky and in the road. Lovely stuff.
Lovely tones Chris, especially in the runner
Concidering the depth of focus why not manual focus ... At f8 you can get many mmeters of focus at the sort of distances your subjects are!
Thanks chaps - I used an orange filter on the runner shot, in PP of course, along with the usual dynamic tweaks from NIK Silver - the orange filter really lifts the skin tones and makes the skies moody I find.

I could go f/8 Hamish - but I'm still after getting some subject/background separation with DOF, so not sure that I'll see what I want, although I agree that focus would be much easier, and my hit rate might well be better!

One of the things I really like about this method of shooting, is the POV - being low, the subject now clearly breaks the horizon, and this low viewing point gives a really refreshing change to my usual 6'2" starting position.
Another one from today - could have been sharper for my tastes, but I like the energy of him bursting out of the frame


Tour De Force
Funny you should mention the sharpness in this latest image, Chris. To my eye it is exceptionally sharp. However, I find I appreciate a certain lack of sharpness sometimes. This is a fine shot, though. He really does appear to be bursting through the frame.
All really good shots, Chris. you get much better results than I do when trying the same kind of thing. Yours look beautifully composed while still having an element of chance. This means your eye is well trained. I never know what the best settings would be, and tend to end up all Auto, but you've given me something to think ever!
Thanks Brian - I don't mind some blur, but when I was zoomed into the face doing some dodging, I felt it could have been sharper.

Thanks Rob - I figure I'll just keep shooting away until I get some decent stuff - I think that's the only way to get your eye in.

Thanks Pete - they were both unexpected, in fact I passed over the bike shot in my first pass at PP because I didn't think I'd caught him well - just shows what I know! :D
Thanks Paul - haven't had any buffering issues, but haven't specifically tested it for speed
Aside the quality of these shots and others you have produced, what I also like is the stories they tell I get a real feel of the area.
Thanks Steve

Here's one from today - this time at f/8, 1/500 - AutoISO - Fuji X100


Java Joe at the Beach
A lovely set of shots, Chris!

I think I must of missed some others posted (I'll Look through tomorrow & catch up)! I love the perspective/POV with these being shot off the hip! The B&W converions are lovely to, very nice tones.