Love the action again Brian but I'm having trouble with not knowing which dancer to look at. But that might be because the watermark is forming a link than doesn't work. I'll look with fresh eyes again tomorrow though as I might be talking rubbish (again)!
Interesting shot Brian. I also am confused why a title doesn't pop out at me...not even a bad/dumb one. I wonder if it's because the dancers are so at odds with each other...or it's after 1 am and I can't get back to sleep?
They almost look superimposed... Makes for an interesting shot!
Why the sudden watermarking, sorry if you have already explained elsewhere, I've been a bit out of the loop of late.
Yeah,'s probably Pete that's the problem, Chris. You're point about them looking like two different dances is well-taken, Chris. That never occurred to me, probably because I'm too close to the image. I may try to crop it. Thanks, Chris.
Interesting shot Brian. I also am confused why a title doesn't pop out at me...not even a bad/dumb one. I wonder if it's because the dancers are so at odds with each other...or it's after 1 am and I can't get back to sleep?
Thanks, Glenn. Your comment seems to support Chris's observation, I think. And Pete's too, maybe. It's very interesting because I liked this shot as soon as a I saw it. And as I mentioned in my response to Chris, perhaps I'm too close to it. Thanks again, Glenn.
They almost look superimposed... Makes for an interesting shot!
Why the sudden watermarking, sorry if you have already explained elsewhere, I've been a bit out of the loop of late.
Thanks, Hamish. The watermarking is just for these dance shots. The hosting service I'm using allows me to post directly to RPF, and I had watermarked all the images from this particular show. It seems to be more distracting that I want it to be. I'll remove it from future posts. Thanks again, Hamish.