Crocodile DazDee

Darren Turner


(cheers KK for thinking up my new name)
That's cheating Darren!!!

He's got his mouth taped up !! Hahaha!!!
LMAO that wasnt my fault DD, i was given him like this lol

awwwwwwwwww was soooooooooo cute, yet freeeeeezing cold and wriggling about, was strong ickle focker

went to a crocodile park other day and the keeper of the 300 crocs was in there enclosure winding them up with a stick, this croc is 85 and has 25 girlfriends, and hes 4 time bigger than this MAD keeper. The noise these croc's make when they clamp there chuffer around his stick is immense, it sounds like a shot gun going off lol
Bloody hell - someone should tell that keeper there's a huge croc behind him! :D :D :D
Are you in Oz at the moment, Daz?

(I do agree that taping his mouth is cheating... Where are the photos of you wrestling with that big one?)
You should have asked if you can hold the big one:D:D:D.