Crossed HOG

Dave Green

Well-Known Member
Taken in Manchester on Sunday. Nikon FM2n with E-Series 50mm F1.8.

Taken on expired Provia and cross-processed by good old Max Speilman :)

Epic!!!! Can't wait to get my OM10 up and running!
I've got a film itch! :)
Cool - can't believe Max Speilman is still in business!
Cool - can't believe Max Speilman is still in business!

They're doing well too. Two ladies run our local one and they're busy! They have a small studio set up in store and knock out family portraits for VERY cheap prices! Ok they're all cookie cutter white backdrop stuff but people are buying 40" square framed prints at prices well below what I'd charge. I'd probably pay more for a decent empty frame than what they are charging for the framed print!
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