Thanks, all.
Chris, glad you like the lighting. Obviously there is the light from the lamps on the left (with a mirror to help), but there is also a window on the right, allowing in soft light. Plus the overhead light - this girl was haloed! I also played with it in Viveza - I had to lower the light reflection in the mirror, and slightly raise it on the girl, before changing to B&W and boosting the blacks.
She sat perfectly still, bless her. Actually, I wish I could show her the photo, but might never see her again. As usual, I felt really bad about taking a few shots surreptitiously. I'm half thinking of having a kind of business card with my flickr address, so I can say to people - "Look, I took your photo. Once I've finished editing it, I will place it on my Flickr site. If you want me to remove it, just drop me an email." What do you think?