Andrew Cotterill
Well-Known Member
The latest manifestation of my GAS (or maybe VACD - Voigtlander Acquisition Compulsion Disorder), I've just bought a Voigtlander Baby Bessa 66. It seems in pretty good shape for something made in 1938. The bellows seem light-tight, all the spring-loaded things spring appropriately, and the lens and aperture look ok. There is a bit of corrosion on the outside, but the inside is pristine. It is missing the hinged yellow filter.
The only problem appears to be the shutter, which fires at the same speed no matter the setting. I've recorded the shutter and measured the waveform in an audio editor and it seems to be between 1/142 and 1/152. This is probably the top speed of 1/175, just feeling its age.
The camera contained a half-shot roll of Ilford FP4 Panchromatic film, on a metal spool (with yellow backing).

The only problem appears to be the shutter, which fires at the same speed no matter the setting. I've recorded the shutter and measured the waveform in an audio editor and it seems to be between 1/142 and 1/152. This is probably the top speed of 1/175, just feeling its age.
The camera contained a half-shot roll of Ilford FP4 Panchromatic film, on a metal spool (with yellow backing).