Yep, my d3 screen has stopped working ... Repair job for me though!
I did take it out in a massive downpour though, like soggy boxers downpour ... So it's maybe my own fault!
Its only a camera anyway, maybe a can be more pragmatic as I also have the d700 etc, but I was saying to someone the other day about taking photos at Tom Brooke's wedding... The Morris dancers were dancing and I was trying to take photos. The one guy kept on telling me I was gonna get hit by a stick. He couldn't understand why I wasn't worried about my camera. I said "if it breaks I'll buy another, that's what insurance was made for - I'd rather have the shot and a broken camera than not have the shot"
So yeah, don't let it get you down Allan... A minor annoyance, and it might cost you £50-£150 excess(?) but I'm sure you will end up with something better ... Even a d300s ... A new one at that?? (maybe try and swing a "downgrade" to the d7000??)