delaware state fair in film

Beth Carter

Well-Known Member
the state fair was in town until last saturday and since we have a booth in the state building i went down there with one of the bosses to work it for a night. he's also a photographer, so we alternated watching the booth while the other one snuck out for photos and fair food. i had the olympus trip 35 with ektar 100 and the olympus 35 sp with cinestill 800. the 35 sp seems to overexpose, so i'll have to keep an eye on that in the future.

olympus trip 35 and kodak ektar 100:

old volunteer fire company ambulance. a fire company my dad was not involved in, otherwise this would have been destroyed years ago along with all of the other ambulances he wrecked as a youth volunteer.

the scariest thing ever.

midway - shut down early every night but one due to an inordinate amount of mass fighting. how crappy is your life that you're summer highlight is going to the state fair in order to fight someone? i did get to watch the new mounted cops and horses do a clean sweep of the place one night, not nearly as much fun as the next night when we were watching the dogs corner a guy in the midway after a particularly brutal assault. we wondered what the cops were planning this year when they requested midway entrance gates be reduced to 1 large gate.

the rest are just random shots of lights and stands.

olympus 35 sp and cinestill 800

What a great set, Beth. Sounds like a rowdy bunch up your way.

I'm wondering, a person who has come to film shooting from first having learned with digital photography (I think that's your path) what are your impressions of the experience with regard to the quality of capture with emulsions such as Ektar, and also with regard to the limitations of film cameras?
brilliant vintage theme about it, makes my mouth water :D
A lot of obese people there. Seems to be the norm these days, and increasingly so in the UK too. Reminds me of the film Wall-E...

Nice to see film being used, Beth.
thanks guys.

What a great set, Beth. Sounds like a rowdy bunch up your way.

I'm wondering, a person who has come to film shooting from first having learned with digital photography (I think that's your path) what are your impressions of the experience with regard to the quality of capture with emulsions such as Ektar, and also with regard to the limitations of film cameras?

can i get back to you on that one? i'm on my 3rd roll of film, still trying to figure out which film looks like what. so far i do really like that ektar, but wish it came in something other than iso 100. i thought i'd like the cinestill, but i can't see much difference between that and the ektar, maybe because it was so overexposed. i've got to go through the scans again and see what's what. also, these were processed at a pharmacy down the street cause it was quick and easy, i'd like to get some developed and scanned professionally at some point. as for limitations with digital, i still have no idea what i'm doing so just getting prints back with something recognizable on them is a clear win for me.

brilliant vintage theme about it, makes my mouth water :D
no, the scrapple sandwich shop is what's making your mouth water. i do like the vintagey tones in the film, like using nik analogue, but without photoshop.

Super set Beth. That bin is truly scary!

Do I detect a bit of a food theme at the fare?! LOve the colours and feel of these. I especially like the hots of the carousel and the fries stall.

yes it is scary. there's 3 main sections in the fair. midway, which is rides, food, the safest place to be, and the animals/displays/awarded stuff. a lot of the people/rednecks that show animals, produce, arts and crafts, etc. live there for the whole week. it gets a little scary in that section.

A lot of obese people there. Seems to be the norm these days, and increasingly so in the UK too. Reminds me of the film Wall-E...

Nice to see film being used, Beth.

yea, lots of obese people. and i'm a state employee, we tend to be the fattest. not me, but one guy i work with is 5x5, 5' high and 5' round. everybody working in the state building was of normal size, there's been an unwritten rule the last two years that we're trying to put a new face forward.

So the fair sounds more like an organised brawl with some side attractions? I Like no 5, and that bin is pretty scary and could be the basis of a horror movie.

only on midway where the rides are. the only fight we had off midway was in the grandstands. we did have one "gentleman" park his confederate flag bearing jacked up pickup in a low income, historically black neighborhood across the street from the fair. he came out to 2 flat tires, but was so drunk he was a half mile down the parking road before noticing. that didn't stop him from pulling the shotgun and starting to wander back there while shouting racial obscenities. poor parking attendant had to talk him down until the cops showed.

i kept imagining someone would through something out in that bin and it would chomp down and they'd lose a hand. that thing was truly terrifying.
thanks guys.

only on midway where the rides are. the only fight we had off midway was in the grandstands. we did have one "gentleman" park his confederate flag bearing jacked up pickup in a low income, historically black neighborhood across the street from the fair. he came out to 2 flat tires, but was so drunk he was a half mile down the parking road before noticing. that didn't stop him from pulling the shotgun and starting to wander back there while shouting racial obscenities. poor parking attendant had to talk him down until the cops showed.

i kept imagining someone would through something out in that bin and it would chomp down and they'd lose a hand. that thing was truly terrifying.

Oh, nothing serious then.