Brian Moore
A month or two ago I bought a Yashica Electro 35 GSN at used camera sales event in Kent, Washington. It was being offered at a real low price. Having owned a couple of iterations of this camera over the years I knew to listen for the "clunk" when you move the film advance lever. The clunk tells you the "pad of death," or POD as it is sometimes called, hasn't yet worn away. (If there's no clunk the camera will devour a battery a day. You can still shoot with no battery but your only shutter speed will be a 1/500th.) Well, the film advance mechanism issued a very satisfactory clunk, and although the viewfinder window was cracked I decided to take a chance on the camera. I shot a roll through it and turns out it works just fine.
Anyway, I'm going on a trip tomorrow and I have decided to take the Electro. I have some Ilford SFX that I plan to shoot with it. I'd like to use a red filter with this film but I don't have one that fits the Yashica's lens. However I do have an orange filter of the proper size. Hmm,...SFX with an Orange filter? What might that look like I wondered. Well I Googled it and the first thing that popped up was this:
He follows me everywhere!
Anyway, I'm going on a trip tomorrow and I have decided to take the Electro. I have some Ilford SFX that I plan to shoot with it. I'd like to use a red filter with this film but I don't have one that fits the Yashica's lens. However I do have an orange filter of the proper size. Hmm,...SFX with an Orange filter? What might that look like I wondered. Well I Googled it and the first thing that popped up was this:

Experiences with 35mm Ilford SFX - by Rob MacKillop
Ilford SFX is an extended red sensitivity black and white film, which I had used once before through a medium-format camera. I liked it very much, though it proved expensive for 120 film. Recently I noticed the 35mm version, so thought I would try it with my trusty Konica Hexar AF. Many people...

He follows me everywhere!