Dennis Skinner

Hamish Gill

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This guy!!
If you don't know who is he, you should!
A living legend!
We met him last night before listening to him be interviewed about his life, politics and achievements. A real honour!
If only there were more political figures with such strong convictions ...
There was also a really amazing moment when he sang for a bit, a song that his mom used to sing when she had dementia, and some of the audience joined in... Was really quite something!
A really enjoyable evening!

With my wife

I like Dennis a lot. I often watched Question Time and he was always sitting in the front row, leaning forward, elbows on his knees, ready to give the Torys an earful. Great shots, H.
Fantastic. I like him a lot too. A real character, not scared to disagree with the party line. We should treasure the characters while they are here. I'm thinking of Tony Benn...
I can only say that the portraits are really good, but I am not familiar with the man I'm afraid. But it seems you have done him justice.
Brilliant Hamish a true legend and a peoples politician a rare breed. I belive he only drew from his salary what was the avarage working man's wage, talk about and fought and his concerns were for basic everyday human needs that were relevant to the everyday person. When I talk ever of disliking not trusting Members of Parliament with a sweeping brush, a little part says to me there are a handful of genuine Mp's who are there for the good of other's , with Dennis being one at the top of that list. If they all had his conscience, whatever the party the world would be a better place.